(Application form for the presentation)



メール paj2025[atmark]paoj.org([atmark]は半角の@です)

If you plan to make presentation in the 77th annual meeting of PAOJ, please apply from the form below. After the successful submission, ID and password are automatically issued and shown in your browser. Although the application information will be sent via e-mail, please don't forget your ID and password, which will be needed to revise your abstract later. If you plan to apply multiple presentations, you must apply each of them. Co-authors are not needed to apply. Application deadline is 17:00 JST on 31st January 2025 -> Closed, but panel session and special session can still register. (If you face such a trouble in application, please retry after several hours or change your browser. If you cannot anyway, we can accept an application via e-mail.)

This is not the registration for participation. Please register for participation from here this page (Please note that the deadline is different).

Annual meeting planning committee, Chair, Shoko Konishi
E-mail: paj2025[atmark]paoj.org ([atmark] must be replaced by @)

研究報告申請フォーム (Application form for presentation)

項  目 (Item)内  容 (Contents)
氏名 (Name in Japanese)[姓] (Surname) [名] (First name)
ローマ字 (Name in alphabet)[Sei] (Surname) [Mei] (First name)
所属 (Affiliation in Japanese)
英文所属 (Affiliation in English)
E-mail (E-mail)
報告の種類 (Type of presentation)
特別セッション (Special session)
企画セッション1 (Panel session 1)
企画セッション2 (Panel session 2)
企画セッション3 (Panel session 3)
テーマセッション (Theme session)
シンポジウム (Symposium)
自由論題報告 (Individual Presentations)

(Only Theme session and Individual Presentations are open to all members.)

報告タイトル (Title in Japanese)
タイトル英文 (Title in English)
キーワード(3つまで) (Keywords up to 3)
共著者情報1 (1st coauthor)
氏名 (Name in Japanese)[姓] (Surname) [名] (First name)
ローマ字 (Name in alphabet)[Sei] (Surname) [Mei] (First name)
所属 (Affiliation in Japanese)
英文所属 (Affiliation in English)
共著者情報2 (2nd coauthor)
氏名 (Name in Japanese)[姓] (Surname) [名] (First name)
ローマ字 (Name in alphabet)[Sei] (Surname) [Mei] (First name)
所属 (Affiliation in Japanese)
英文所属 (Affiliation in English)
共著者情報3 (3rd coauthor)
氏名 (Name in Japanese)[姓] (Surname) [名] (First name)
ローマ字 (Name in alphabet)[Sei] (Surname) [Mei] (First name)
所属 (Affiliation in Japanese)
英文所属 (Affiliation in English)
その他共著者情報 (Other coauthors)
報告要旨 (Abstract)ファイルの選択 (PDF file of abstract):