日本人口学会第76回大会出欠通知フォーム (Registration form for participation)




日本人口学会大会企画委員会(委員長、担当理事:中澤 港)
メール paj2024[atmark]paoj.org([atmark]は半角の@です)

Registration for participating the 76th annual meeting can be done from the form below. The registration ID is automatically generated, which you are asked to include during the bank transfer for the participation fee. The registration information will be shown in the browser and sent to you by e-mail.

Registration deadline is 17:00 on 30th April 2024. -> Closed.

If you plan to make presentation, a separate application is needed from here (Please note that the deadline is different).

Annual meeting planning committee, Chair, Minato Nakazawa
E-mail: paj2024[atmark]paoj.org ([atmark] must be replaced by @)

出欠通知フォーム (Registration form)

項  目 (Item)内  容 (Contents)
氏名 (Name in Japanese)[姓] (Surname) [名] (First name)
ローマ字 (Name in alphabet)[Sei] (Surname) [Mei] (First name)
所属 (Affiliation in Japanese)
英文所属 (Affiliation in English)
E-mail (E-mail)
会員資格 (Qualification)
出席予定 (Plan to join)
6月7日(金) (7th June, Fri)特別セッション (Special session)出席(Present) 欠席(Absent)
6月8日(土) (8th June, Sat)研究報告会 (Sessons 1st day)出席(Present) 欠席(Absent)
6月8日(土) (8th June, Sat)総会 (Members meeting)出席(Present) 欠席(Absent)
6月9日(日) (9th June, Sun)研究報告会 (Sessions 2nd day)出席(Present) 欠席(Absent)
座長引き受け (Chair possibility)
6月8日(土) (8th June, Sat)研究報告会 (Sessions 1st day)
6月9日(日) (9th June, Sun)研究報告会 (Sessions 2nd day)
その他コメント (Other comments, if any)